Projects per year
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Ensuring fair work standards in the digital realm: A multi-faceted approach in South America
Rosenbaum Carli, F. (PI), Dodel Schubert, M. (CoPI), Martínez, M. I. (CoPI), González, E. (CoPI) & Pérez, C. (CoPI)
1/01/25 → 1/01/27
Project: Research
Nuevas narrativas para la comprensión y medición del trabajo de plataformas en Sudamérica
Rosenbaum Carli, F. (PI), Dodel Schubert, M. (CoPI), González, E. (CoPI), Martínez, M. I. (CoPI) & Pérez, C. (CoPI)
1/08/24 → 31/01/26
Project: Research
Educational Attainment and Residential Discrimination in the Labor Market
Tealde Meas, E. (PI), Posso, C. (PI) & Piñeiro Rodriguez, R. (CoI)
1/06/24 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
La política del bienestar informal: Ollas y Partidos Políticos en América Latina
Rossel Odriozola, M. C. (PI), Fynn Marguery, I. (CoPI), Pérez Bentancur, V. (CoPI), Alvarez-Rivadulla, M. J. (CoI), Auyero, J. (CoI), Garay, C. (CoI), Luna, J. P. (CoI) & Pérez, C. (CoI)
1/05/24 → 31/10/27
Project: Research
Condiciones económicas, perspectivas laborales y deserción estudiantil en Bachillerato
Tealde Meas, E. (PI), Guollo, C. (CoI), Posso, C. (CoI), Piñeiro Rodriguez, R. (CoI), Rossel Odriozola, M. C. (CoI) & García Couto, S. (CoI)
1/06/23 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
Fairwork Uruguay
Rosenbaum Carli, F. (PI), Dodel Schubert, M. (CoI), González, E. (CoI), Martínez, M. I. (CoI), Graham, M. (PI) & Bertolini, A. (PI)
1/02/23 → …
Project: Research
ExComb: Ex-combatant decision-making in the economic reintegration process
Villamizar Chaparro, S. M. (CoPI) & Tellez, J. F. (CoPI)
20/01/22 → …
Project: Research
ML4P: Machine Learning for Peace
Villamizar Chaparro, S. M. (CoI), Wibbels, E. (PI), Springman, J. (CoPI), Adiguzel, S. (CoI), Romero, D. (CoI), Lin, Z.-R. (CoI), Su, H. (CoI), Moratz, D. (CoI), Gansey, R. T. (CoI), Swami, J. (CoI) & Soltani, M. (CoI)
1/08/20 → …
Project: Research
GuatDeportees: Guatemala Deportation Project
Villamizar Chaparro, S. M. (CoI), Romero, D. (CoI), Wibbels, E. (PI) & Dow, D. A. (CoPI)
1/06/19 → …
Project: Research
AFRO: District Selection and Racial Identity: Voting Preferences in the Colombian Congress’ Black District.
Villamizar Chaparro, S. M. (PI) & Echeverri-Pineda, C. (CoPI)
1/11/17 → …
Project: Research