Blueberry by-product used as an ingredient in the development of functional cookies

Claudia Perez, Camila Tagliani, Patricia Arcia, Sonia Cozzano, Ana Curutchet

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


A by-product of blueberry juice industries was used as an ingredient to develop fiber-enriched cookies. The blueberry pomace, once ground and dried, was used as an ingredient in cookie formulation. A control cookie was elaborated as reference. Cookies were analyzed for composition and functional properties. The fiber content obtained in the fiber-enriched cookie allows it to be labeled as “high fiber” in the European Union and as a “source of fiber” in MERCOSUR. The fiber-enriched cookie presented highly increased values on the antioxidant capacity and the polyphenol content when compared against the control cookie. Sensory evaluation was performed. Acceptability of the fiber-enriched cookie reached a value of 5.3 in a nine-point hedonic scale. Further strategies should be necessary in order to achieve an acceptable product. Cookies were subjected to an in vitro digestive process. Results show that the cookies’ phytochemicals are bioaccessible and potentially bioavailable. Therefore, eating this type of food would represent an increase in the amount of antioxidants ingested and redound to a health benefit. In addition to improving both nutritional and functional properties of cookies, the present development represents an innovative strategy for a more sustainable growth of fruit juice industries.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)301-308
Number of pages8
JournalFood Science and Technology International
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2018


  • Antioxidant fiber
  • bioaccessibility
  • consumer acceptability
  • cookies
  • functional food


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