Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


This study aims to explore the international understandings and projections of communication practitioners, academics and educators of the PR/Comms practice and its expected contribution to society. In doing so the study aims to first identify the understandings of PR/Comms as a practice and its current expectations before exploring how practitioners, academics and educators reflect on their own projections of the ideal practice of PR/Comms and its impact on society. In doing so this study aims to investigate local perceptions, understandings and applications of PR/Comms, identify whether there are any conflicts between current and expected practices and norms, and propose, based on an identified ideal practice how this should be taught, learned, delivered and measured. Concepts of social value and social impact will thus be discussed in direct relation to PR/Comms´ own impact to society and not its contribution to a client or organizations successes.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/07/2231/12/23

Socios colaboradores

  • Universidad Quadriga
  • Public Relations and Communication Association