How to promote social emotional skills and conditions for teacher wellbeing?

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


The teaching profession is challenged by high demands and constant change, requiring from teachers a significant ability to adapt and self-manage their well-being. Teacher well-being can be developed through the provision of a caring work environment and the promoting of socio-emotional skills that favor resilience (in particular, self-efficacy and prosocial relationships). Through a mixed design (survey and focus groups with teachers), this project seeks to generate new knowledge about the conceptualization and determinants of teacher well-being in Uruguay, as well as the challenges, resources, training and support needs perceived by the teachers. As this study articulates with an international research project on the issue, the collected data will also facilitate a comparative analysis. This research intends to provide concrete inputs for the formulation of formative paths that promote well-being of advanced students of CFE, new teachers and teachers who are in other stages of their professional development, within the framework of the Protection Plan of Educational Trajectories (CFE). The project will yield a digital repository of tools for promoting teacher well-being, sensitization materials and an event for teachers, in addition to the dissemination of its results among scholars on the regional and international level.
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Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin1/09/231/09/24

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