La economia politica del desarrollo en América Latina: entre el liberalismo despiadado y el corporatismo angosto

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


In the context of the analysis of the models of capitalism in Latin America, the project proposes that it is the conflict for power and distribution between the main actors of the productive system that defines a model of capitalism. In other words, the conflict between coalitions formed by entrepreneurs, unions and parties is the key to understanding why a country follows a liberal or coordinated trajectory from the process of construction and reform of the institutions of the productive structure in the post-structural adjustment period. The project combines an interregional analysis of market institutions using quantitative data with a comparative historical comparison of the distributive conflict for Uruguay, Chile and Portugal. The general hypothesis of the project suggests that the countries of the region are developing different models of capitalism, which challenge the dominant approach in the literature that postulates the existence of a single and coherent model. In this sense, the project proposes that comparing the region with Southern Europe will provide a better understanding of intra-region meaningful differences. The project reviews the classification typology that the literature on varieties of capitalism proposes, in order to integrate the developing countries, particularly in Latin America, into the literature. The data suggests that while some countries follow the liberal path, others share many characteristics with the Mediterranean countries, allowing the inclusion of both groups in a single subtype of coordinated capitalism: the statist-coordinated.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin2/04/181/04/21


  • ANII-Uruguay: $ 1.300.000,00

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